An opportunity to learn about Fair Housing

Aug 9, 2023

SPENCER – The Town of Spencer and Rowan County Government will hold a Fair Housing Law Information Session on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The Town and County have partnered with the North Carolina Human Relations Commission Civil Rights Division so their experts can speak on topics such as the right to fair housing, protections for renters and homebuyers, the top three types of fair housing discrimination in North Carolina, as well as information regarding help and enforcement.

The session will take place at the Spencer Town Hall located at 460 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer, NC 28159. It is free to the public, but space is limited. Please call Kyle Harris to reserve your spot.

Town’s Contact Information:
Name: Kyle Harris
Title: Planner
Address: 460 South Salisbury Avenue, Spencer, NC 28159
Phone:  704-633-2231

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