Bid Notice: CDBG Owner-Occupied Home Rehabilitation Project #1
Town of Spencer via Salisbury Community Development Corporation
Invitation for Bids
Responses Due: March 13th by 10:00 a.m.
Town’s Contact Information:
Name: Kyle Harris
Title: Program Administrator
Address: 1400 West Bank Street, Salisbury, NC 28144
Phone: (704) 638-2154
Click here to download full bidding documents.
Project Description:
The Town of Spencer has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant for Neighborhood Revitalization (CDBG-NR) from the North Carolina Department of Commerce. These funds are being administered by the Town for scattered-site homeowner rehabilitation projects. This program is being administered by the Salisbury Community Development Corporation (CDC) on behalf of the Town of Spencer. Questions and inquiries should be directed to the Program Administrator, Kyle Harris, Salisbury CDC, at or (704)-638-2154 (Office Phone).
Sealed bids for Project # 1 (CDBG-NR-01) will be received by Salisbury Community Development Corporation (CDC) until 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 1400 West Bank Street, Salisbury, NC 28144. E-bids submitted through the N.C. Electronic Vendor Portal (eVP) will also be accepted.
All sealed bids will be publicly opened at 10:30 a.m. in the Conference Room at West End Business and Community Center at the above address. The CDC will open the bids and shall evaluate them in accordance with the methods and criteria set forth in the instructions to Bidders. The CDC reserves the right to reject any or all Bids. Unless all Bids are rejected, Award will be made to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance, and the time specified in the Bid Form for the performance of the Contract.
Bidders shall carefully examine the property before submitting a bid. The contractor will bid on each item to be performed. Profit and overhead are to be included as indicated on each work write-up.
Please contact homeowner Luis Perez at 704-798-7277 to schedule a time to evaluate the property.
Please include a current certificate of General Liability insurance and Workers Compensation and Employers’ Liability and your contractor’s license and any lead abatement/renovation certifications if not already provided. If you have any questions regarding the Bidding Documents, or need any additional information, please call Kyle Harris, Program Administrator, at 704-638-2154 or email at
The Town of Spencer encourages the participation of minority and historically underutilized business enterprises. The Town of Spencer, North Carolina, reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.