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Permits & Plan Review

Official Zoning Map

Technical Standards & Specifications Manual

Process & Forms

Codes & Standards

Spencer Development Ordinance

Zoning Permit Applications

Dumpster Permit Application

Demolition Permit Application

Subdivision Permit Application

Planning and Code Compliance staff collaborate to ensure properties in town are developed and maintained according to Town ordinances and other standards.

Planning staff can assist you with a variety of processes ranging from permits, certificates, rezoning requests, variances and appeals, ordinance amendment requests, and more.

In most cases, a completed application must be submitted 21 days in advance of a board or commission meeting.

Official Zoning Map

Technical Standards & Specifications Manual

Process & Forms

Codes & Standards

Spencer Development Ordinance

Zoning Permit Applications

Dumpster Permit Application

Demolition Permit Application

Subdivision Permit Application

Process & Forms

Special Use Permit

Some uses may not be automatically permitted in a particular zoning district, but are permitted if certain specific conditions are met. The Zoning Board of Adjustment decides whether or not to grant conditional use permits at evidentiary hearings based upon the findings of facts.



A mechanism to allow landowners to seek relief from the strict application of the ordinance. Variances are granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment if special criteria are met following an evidentiary hearing.


Administrative Appeals

This is a process which allows for those who disagree with a staff determination on how the ordinance is interpreted or applied to make an administrative appeal of that determination to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month.


Ordinance Amendments

This process allows for an applicant to petition the town for a change in its ordinances. The Planning Board / Board of Adjustment must hold a courtesy hearing (this board meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month). and the Board of Aldermen holds a public hearing


Rezoning Requests

The Planning Board / Board of Adjustment must hold a courtesy hearing (this board meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month). and the Board of Aldermen holds a public hearing.

Rezoning Application


Certificates of Appropriateness

The Historic Preservation Commission grants certificates of appropriateness for exterior changes based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Meetings are held the third Monday of each month.

Certificate of Appropriateness Application

Codes & Standards

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding Town Codes and Standards. Our staff is available to discuss potential violations. We encourage all the community to be a good neighbor and consider the following tips:


  • Become friends with your neighbors and try to work out any differences you may have.
  • Keep yards maintained and lawns mowed, ensuring all clippings are off streets and sidewalks.
  • Empty excess water collecting in pots, buckets, and containers that can attract and breed mosquitoes.
  • Keep all trash bagged in your roll-out cart and take advantage of weekly bulky item collection. Store excess trash and debris around your home.
  • Clean up after your pets, and please do not allow your dog to bark excessively at night.
  • Don’t park inoperable or unregistered vehicles on your property, or any vehicles on the front lawn.
  • Avoid playing loud music, particularly after 11 p.m.
  • Only rain goes down storm drains! Be sure to keep fertilizer,trash, leaves, and other hazardous contaminants from entering drains (which go straight to natural bodies of water without treatment).

Demolition Permit Application

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the Demolition Permit Application.

Demolition Permit Application