Fall Mulch 2022 Giveaway (rescheduled due to weather)
The next Public Works mulch give-away is Saturday, October 15 (rescheduled due to weather on October 1). This corresponds with our Saturday recycling, so bring your recycling and get a free load of mulch. Mulch is Free for Town Residents, please bring I.D.
Out of Town Residents will be charged $5.00 a loader bucket.
Delivery will be available for In Town Residents Only, at $10.00 a load. Delivery is on a first come first serve basis, with a maximum of three loads per residence, until 12:00. Mulch is available other times of the year with a small charge for the loading. If interested please direct questions to Public Works 704-633-5331 or jtaylor@spencernc.gov.