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Spring 2023 Façade Improvement Grant Program

Grant Application
Program Guidelines
Who Can Apply
Eligible Projects
Grant Requirements

The Façade Improvement Grant Program assists commercial property owners and business tenants, including non-profit, civic, and other community-oriented organizations, with enhancements to building facades, landscapes, driveways, and parking lots. These projects can range from repairs and repainting to substantial façade and landscape rehabilitation projects and the installation of pedestrian amenities such as new signage, outdoor seating, planters, awnings, café fences, art, lighting, and beyond.

Eligible applicants can apply for a grant up to $2,000 on a 50/50 “dollar-for-dollar” match basis. This means, for example, that if you request a $2,000 grant, you must contribute a private match of $2,000, bring the total project investment up to $4,000. If you request only $1,000, you must contribute $1,000 toward the project.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to carefully review the Program Guidelines & Application Form to learn about eligibility and other requirements. For the Spring 2023 Grant Cycle, the deadline to submit an application is 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, March 15, 2023.

 All inquiries and application submittals should be sent to: Kyle Harris, Planner, kharris@spencernc.gov. Program packets are also available in the front lobby of Town Hall, 460 South Salisbury Avenue. Completed applications can also be dropped off at the front desk of Town Hall.

Please note this is a reimbursement grant. Applicants must be able to pay all up-front costs. Town funds are issued at the completion and final inspection and approval of the project.


Contact Kyle Harris, Planner


(704)-633-2231 ext. 20

Grant Application
Program Guidelines
Who Can Apply
Eligible Projects
Grant Requirements


Who Can Apply?

  • Business must be located along the Salisbury Avenue Corridor or within the Downtown “Main Street” District
  • Non-profit, civic, and other community-oriented organizations are also eligible if they have a storefront space
  • Applicants can include commercial property owners or business tenants
  • Business must be located within the Town’s corporate limits
  • If a building has multiple storefronts, each tenant with a separate storefront or façade may apply

Eligible Projects Include:

  • Installation of upper-level facade elements such as awnings, signage, flower boxes, lighting, etc.
  • Introduction of pedestrian amenities such as street furniture, planters, art, cafe fences, umbrellas, etc.
  • Repair and replacement of windows, doors, and other architectural elements
  • Historic reconstructions, rehabilitation, or compatible reconstruction of storefronts
  • Landscaping and site improvements, including park lots
  • Interior display window improvements that are part of the facade design
  • And much more! See “Program Guidelines” for a complete list

What Are The Facade Grant Requirements?

  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the full Program Guidelines for complete requirements
  • All proposals must meet applicable zoning and code requirements
  • Any proposed project within the Spencer Historic District must receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Commission
  • Only exterior enhancements are eligible, and priority is given to improvements to street-facing facades and landscapes, especially unique and attractive designs

The Application Deadline is Wednesday, March 15th, 2023 at 12:00 (Noon)