June 9 Public Hearings Planned for Comprehensive Plan, Salisbury Avenue Design, and Public Murals
The Town of Spencer Board of Aldermen will hold three public hearings at or soon after 5:30 PM at their regularly scheduled meeting on June 9, 2022 in the Board Meeting Room located at 460 S Salisbury Ave., Spencer, NC 28159.
The purpose of the first public hearing is to receive public comment on a proposed update to the Town’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The suggested revisions are available for review here or you can review a copy at Town Hall.
The purpose of the second public hearing is to receive public comment on the proposed Restriping of Salisbury Ave. from 17th Street to Long Ferry Road. The Town is proposing changing the road configuration to allow one car lane in each direction, a turn lane in the middle, and bike lanes on either side. Click here for more information.
The purpose of the third public hearing is to modify Section 2.22 of the Town’s Development Ordinance, modifying regulations concerning where murals are allowed on building walls within the town. Click here for more information.
Contact Steve Blount at 704-633-2231 ext. #28 with any questions. Public comments may also be submitted in writing or by email to the Town Clerk at scraven@spencernc.gov.