RFQ: for on-call professional engineering and architectural design services

Aug 2, 2022

Town of Spencer

Request for Qualifications for on-call professional engineering and architectural design services

Addendum 1 – published August 10, 2022

The Town of Spencer, North Carolina seeks professional qualifications from an architectural design, civil engineering, and transportation engineering firm, or firms, for a broad range of public facility and infrastructure improvements. Specifically, the Town seeks qualifications of licensed, registered and / or certified architects, landscape architects, and engineers who are demonstrably qualified for, but not limited to, the following five (5) technical service areas:

  1. General Engineering Services: plan review, public utility infrastructure design and inspection, stormwater management, civil engineering, construction phase services, and related services;
  2. Transportation Engineering Services: traffic engineering, street paving analysis, construction phase services, municipal street resurfacing program scoping, bidding, administration, inspection, and related services.
  3. General Architecture Services: architectural planning and design, space needs assessment, design charette facilitation, development master planning, historic preservation, and related services;
  4. Landscape Architecture Services: public parks and recreation facility master planning, site planning, erosion control, drainage, park and trail design, hardscape design, landscape design, lighting, ADA compliance, signage, recreational structure design, and related services;
  5. Funding Assistance: state and federal grant writing assistance and / or technical assistance for grant identification, application, administration, compliance, reporting, and related services. Familiarity with state and federal ARPA-related grant opportunities and the ability to recommend grants for specific projects is preferred. Governmental bid and acquisition processes are required for all services.

The selected firm, or firms, will coordinate with town staff, as needed, to provide analysis, design and expertise to implement a variety of public projects for the Town of Spencer. The “on call” status of agreed upon services reflect the Town of Spencer’s intent to utilize multi-disciplinary, professional services for efficiencies and expediency in the delivery of services and infrastructure for the betterment of the Spencer community.

The initial contract duration shall be for three (3) years, with the option of extending the agreement annually for an additional two (2) years for a total contract term of up to five (5) years. Anticipated annual contract amounts for on‐ call services will be dependent upon specific needs for supplemental engineering services and available funding. No work is guaranteed under any contract with work assigned on an as‐needed basis to be determined by the Town of Spencer in its sole and absolute discretion.

It is the intent of the Town to establish a task order‐based approach for the provision of engineering and design services. For specific, larger-scale municipal projects, the Town may continue to procure professional engineering services using a separate qualification‐based selection process.

The statement of qualifications package is due no later than 2:00 p.m. on August 31, 2022. Click here to review the full RFQ document, which includes the full scope of work, submittal requirements, and selection criteria.

The Town of Spencer reserves the right to reject any and all statements of interest.  It is anticipated that a firm, or firms, will be selected and notified in early-September 2022.

Questions regarding the request for proposal process should be submitted to pfranzese@spencernc.gov by August 24, 2022. Substantive responses to questions will be published in an Addendum. Firms will need to provide acknowledgement of receipt of all addendums.

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