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Appointed Boards & Commissions

The Town of Spencer offers a variety of opportunities for community members to participate in decision-making and special projects by serving on an appointed board. The duties and responsibilities of board members include reviewing Certificates of Appropriateness (COAs) for projects in the historic district, reviewing applications for variances and Special Use Permits (SUPs), and administering special grant programs, including facade grants and historic preservation incentive grants. Additionally, Spencer’s boards are spearheading many ongoing special projects, including a community gardening program, a downtown streetscape improvement initiative, and other exciting projects. Each Board typically meets once per month at a designated day and time.

If you are interested in serving on one of the Boards appointed by the Board of Aldermen, please  download and complete an application and return it to the Town Clerk at Town Hall, or email it to townclerk@spencernc.gov.

If you live in Spencer’s ETJ (extraterritorial jurisdiction) and you are interested in serving as the ETJ representative on the Planning Board, you can apply on the Rowan County website. (In the board selection field, select Town of Spencer – Planning & Zoning Board – ETJ)

NOTE: All boards meet at the following location unless otherwise posted:

Spencer Town Hall Board Room

460 S. Salisbury Ave.
Spencer, NC, 28159

Planning & Zoning Board of Adjustment

The Planning Board meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:00pm, except July and December.

Historic Preservation Commission

The Historic Preservation Commission meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00pm, except July and December.

Community Appearance Commission

The Community Appearance Commission meets on the fourth Monday of each month, except July and December.