Historic Preservation Commission
Meeting Agenda & Minutes
The Historic Preservation Commission meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00pm, except July and December.
Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Application Form (New! Updated 2022)
Download the 2022 Updated Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Application in .pdf format
Spencer Historic District Design Standards (New! Updated 2022)
Download the 2022 Updated Spencer Historic District Standards in .pdf format
Download the Quick-Reference Guide for the Historic District Design Standards in .pdf format
HPC Member Roster
Download the roster of current Commission members in .pdf format
HPC Information
The Town’s Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) was created under the authority of NC General Statutes §160A, Article 19, Part 3C. Membership consists of 7 members, all of which must reside within the planning and zoning jurisdiction of Spencer. An exception can be made for one merchant that does business within the historic district. A majority of the members must have demonstrated special interest, experience, or education in history, architecture, archaeology, or related fields. The HPC must have at least 4 members present in order for it to conduct any meeting or business.
Members’ terms are for 4 years, staggered to ensure a continuity of experience on the board. Members can be reappointed for a second consecutive term, but after 2 consecutive terms a member becomes ineligible for reappointment until at least one calendar has passed. If a member moves outside of the town’s jurisdiction, he/she can fulfill the current term but cannot be reappointed once that term expires. Members may be removed for cause by the Town Board of Aldermen upon written charges, and only after a public hearing.
Generally, the HPC acts as an administrative body to review applications for changes to historic properties. Specifically, as outlined in its By-Laws and as authorized by NCGS §160A, Article 19, Part 3C, the HPC is empowered to:
- Make inventories of properties with historical, prehistorical, architectural and / or cultural significance;
- Recommend areas or items to the Board of Aldermen to be declared by ordinance to be “historic districts” or “landmarks”, or to remove/revoke such designations for cause;
- Review and act upon proposals for alterations, demolition or new construction within historic districts or for designated landmarks;
- Conduct educational programs about historic districts & landmarks within its jurisdiction;
- Work with state, federal & local government in accordance with the purposes of the HPC’s establishment;
- Enter, only in the performance of its official duties and only at reasonable times;
- Prepare and recommend the official adoption of a preservation element as part of the Town of Spencer’s comprehensive plan;
- Lawfully acquire, restore, preserve and operate historic properties within the established districts and maintain. Properties can be legally sold, exchanged or leased to others who would ensure public access and preservation.
- Negotiate with the owner of a building, structure, site, area or object for its acquisition or its preservation when necessary.
Download the 2021-22 Annual Goals in .pdf format