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Emergency Services

Emergency Preparedness



The Town of Spencer provides emergency response to its citizens through the Fire and Police Departments, along with partnerships with other local agencies.

Spencer Fire Department & Spencer Police Department

In Rowan County, agencies partner to  provide unique and specialized levels of public safety citizens and visitors. The Rowan County Emergency Services Department is charged with coordinating emergency activities with the County’s Enhanced 911 Telecommunications Center, the Rowan County Rescue Squad, and with other public or private allied agencies providing emergency services within the county.

Emergency Preparedness



Emergency Preparedness

Emergency and disaster situations can happen at any moment, day, or week. Being prepared ahead of time is key to ensuring that you and your loved ones, co-workers, home, business, and property are protected to the best level possible. When disaster strikes, the best protection is knowing what to do. Please visit rowancountync.gov/206/ReadyROWAN to prepare, plan, and be informed. You may also sign up for RoCoAlerts.

The Rowan County Emergency Management Division plans for and responds to a wide range of both natural and man-made disasters or events. These range from severe weather events to incidents involving hazardous materials. The division prepares and implements a county-wide Emergency Operations Plan, and routinely conducts extensive exercises to test local and regional emergency response capabilities. Find out more at rowancountync.gov/202/Emergency-Management.