An opportunity to make your mark on the Spencer Town Park
SPENCER — After several years of planning for a new central park, the Town recently awarded a construction contract to Ike’s Construction, Inc. in the amount of $2,175,700. The project will return a portion of the Park Plaza shopping center parking lot to what it once was: public green space.
Community stakeholders favored creating a downtown civic park in the 2014 and updated 2022 Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plans. The project aims to further advance Downtown revitalization and offer new amenities to locals and visitors to the NC Transportation Museum, the NC Museum of Dolls, Toys, and Miniatures, and other local destinations.
“After several years of so many exciting improvements in Spencer, we’re thrilled to begin construction of our new Town Park,” said Mayor Jonathan Williams. “Many in our town remember when this same area featured a large green space for the community to gather, and it is a dream come true to restore this space for our children, grandchildren, and other future citizens and visitors to enjoy for years to come.”
The project has been awarded two grants from the NC Department of Commerce totaling $1,175,000, and a $500,000 grant from the NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund. The Town has contributed $303,000 to the project over several years, including $228,000 in ARPA-enabled funding. In addition, a generous donation of $100,000 from Fred and Alice Stanback allowed the Town to get started on planning and design work.
The Town has established a goal of raising an additional $385,000 to complete the construction project. We’re pleased to launch our community contribution campaign, where individuals, civic organizations, businesses, and other interested partners can join in this exciting and transformational project.
Spencer Town Park will include features such as a community gathering lawn encircled by a paved walking loop and a multi-purpose open-air pavilion with a stage and restrooms. The pavilion will be used for picnicking as well as performances and community events. Additional features include picnic nodes with café tables and chairs and a fountain with an interactive water component.
The park will have suitable electrical and other infrastructure for events such as Winterfest, which has been one of several annual events hosted in the future park location over the last four years.
“This project is possible because of the vision and leadership of our Mayor and Board of Aldermen, support of our community, hard work of our staff, and the involvement of great partners,” said Town Manager Peter Franzese. “In addition to our current and future funding partners, we’re thankful to have the expertise of Jeff Ashbaugh and his team at Benesch, insight of local architect Pete Bogle and the Bogle Firm, and know-how of Andy Messmer and his crew at Ike’s Construction contributing to our park.”
If you are interested in playing a part in the completion of the Spencer Town Park, please reach out to Special Projects Planner Joe Morris.
Town’s Contact Information:
Name: Joe Morris
Title: Special Projects Planner
Address: 460 South Salisbury Avenue, Spencer, NC 28159
Phone: 704-633-2231
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