NCDOT expected to begin resurfacing US-29 (Updated)
A similar article was originally published in the spring. However, we are republishing it after confirmation from NCDOT that the project is moving ahead in October.
SPENCER—The Town has been informed that work will soon begin on NCDOT’s resurfacing of Salisbury Avenue (US 29) in Spencer between the southern Town limit (roughly 17th Street) and going north at least to Jefferson Street. This route was last resurfaced in 2004, and the work is part of a resurfacing contract NCDOT has awarded to JT Russell & Sons, Inc. The current schedule has US 29 being milled and resurfaced beginning on October 21, 2024, pending favorable weather. Work should occur after 8:00 p.m. and take roughly a week and a half to complete, weather permitting.
As part of this project, the current four-lane section will be reconfigured to one lane in each direction with a common center turn lane and dedicated bicycle lanes on each side of the road, similar to the section of US 29 in Salisbury completed a couple of years ago. The project will be managed by the NCDOT District Office staff in Salisbury, who can be reached at (704) 630-3200 for any specific questions.
Construction signs have already gone up, and residents and businesses can expect to see temporary traffic control in place to allow the contractor to begin work safely. Traffic will be maintained throughout the duration of the project with lane closures and traffic shifts. NCDOT also encourages motorists to stay alert due to daily traffic pattern changes during the construction process.
Due to the heavy vibration of the machinery during the milling process, older waterlines within the work area have a higher likelihood of breaking than usual. Town and NCDOT staff are coordinating with Salisbury-Rowan Utilities to minimize any service disruptions. If any residents or businesses experience problems, please contact Salisbury-Rowan Utilities at (704) 638-5300 or